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Common Causes Of Poor Indoor Air Quality – And How To Fix It

It’s a common misconception that outdoor air is more polluted than indoor air. According to The United States Environmental Protection Agency (EPA), indoor air quality can be 2 to 5 times worse than outdoor air quality. Here are the common causes of poor indoor air quality and how to fix it.

  1. Household Cleaning Supplies

Many people use store-bought chemical sprays to clean their indoor space. While they may free you of germs, they’re not freeing you of indoor air pollution. In fact, they’re a direct cause of it. The chemicals in many of these household cleaning sprays ends up circulating in the air you breathe.

Solution: Avoid using chemical sprays and wipes and air fresheners and fragrances.

  1. Carpeting

Carpet – both new and old – can be bad for indoor air pollution. When you have new carpet installed, sometimes it can release chemicals from the vinyl backing. Sometimes, these chemicals can cause side effects such as headache, dizziness, nausea, shortness of breath and asthma. Old carpeting can also trigger bad indoor air quality because it can trap pollutants – such as dust mites, pet dander, particle pollution, lead, dirt and dust, etc.

Solution: In order to avoid poor indoor quality, make sure to clean your carpets regularly. If you’ve just had new carpet installed, use heavy ventilation methods for at least 3-4 days after the carpet installation has been completed.

  1. Paint

There’s a reason why you may feel a headache come on after you’ve just finished painting. This is because there’s a lot of VOC’s, also known as volatile organic compound, found in many household paints. When your paint has finished drying, most of the VOC’s will disappear, but some may overstay their welcome and linger a while. The VOC’s found in paint are a direct cause of poor indoor air quality.

Solution: Use paint with low VOC content.

  1. Mold Growth

Mold thrives in damp, moist climates. If you have excessive moisture in the air, then you’re giving mold a better chance of growing. Mold can cause poor indoor air quality and is not something you want to continuously be exposed to.

Solution: Use a dehumidifier and control the humidity levels in your home. Humidity levels should always be around 30-50%.

  1. Poor Ventilation

Poor ventilation equals poor indoor air quality. Inadequate ventilation can increase indoor pollutant levels by failing to circulate outdoor and indoor air properly.

Solution: Use exhaust fans when cooking, use bathroom fans when bathing, change your air filters regularly, open your windows, clean your carpets frequently, and use an air purifier or dehumidifier.

  1. Cigarette Smoke

Some people smoke in their homes. But did you know that a single cigarette contains about a hundred toxic substances? This makes smoke from cigarettes one of the most common causes of poor indoor air quality.

Solution: Don’t smoke indoors would be the number one solution to this problem. But if that’s not an option, then using an air purifier is another way to help your indoor air quality.

Got Poor Indoor Air Quality? Contact The Pros At Acree Today!

Acree is here for all your indoor air quality needs. Whether you need UV air cleaners, air filters, dehumidifiers, or ductwork, the pros are here to help! Contact us today to make your home healthy, comfortable, and efficient again. Call us at (813) 530-9061 or online here.