Alright, there’s good news and bad news. First, the good news: spring is just around the corner, and with the change in seasons comes a dream of more sun, warmer weather, and a realization that going outside to get the mail isn’t asking for a bout of freezing air to smack you in the face. Unfortunately, going outdoors for enjoyable reasons once again comes with one significant drawback: it becomes allergy season, and your indoor air quality takes a hit.

Millions of people across the country get swamped with these annoying bouts of sneezing, coughing, congestion and puffy eyes, and although there are ways to reduce the effects through over-the-counter medication, you can take steps to noticeably reduce the havoc allergens wreak in your home. To help you out, the professionals at Acree Plumbing, Air & Electric have a few easy options for you consider. However, if the allergens get too much to bear, there might be a problem with your indoor air quality. We’re fully equipped to handle IAQ problems, so give us a call!

Dastardly Dust

Dust is arguably the leading cause of home-based allergy problems. Dust mites (obviously) love to hang out there, and without regular cleaning and removal, dust can pile up on you and make living at home an exercise in frustration.

  • Vacuum consistently, and with a HEPA (High-Efficiency Particulate Air) filter, which removes 99.97 percent of particles .3 microns and larger.
  • Wet a rag when cleaning to collect more dust. It’ll trap more of the dust particles laying around than a dry one will.
  • Those get at the symptoms, but they don’t necessarily help you eliminate the root of the problem. If you take steps to minimize the amount of clutter around your home, dust will have fewer places to congregate and set up shop in the first place.

Malicious Mold

Another power player in the allergy game is mold, which, like dust, can creep up and start causing problems without you being all too aware of its presence.

  • Ventilation is key. Keep a good airflow in rooms to ensure the conditions needed for mold to grow (especially bathrooms, where moisture is more present and can be a more potent breeding ground for mold).
  • Places that contain no ventilation, like the cabinets under your sink or the dank corners of your basement, need to be cleaned regularly to ensure moisture isn’t hunkering down.
  • Dehumidifiers are easy ways to keep moisture levels down without having to do the dirty work yourself.
  • Certain types of plants are ideal places for mold to hang out as well, so stay on top of their cleaning schedule!

Pernicious Pollen and Pesky Pets

However, the allergen we most associate with spring is pollen, and rightfully so. The blooming flowers are accompanied by this annoying yellow dust, which never seems to go away no matter how much you manage to scrape off your windshield or wipe from the windows.

  • Pollen’s most active time of day is in the morning, so keep your windows and doors shut during this time while pollen settles down.

Pets also cause issues indoors with the various allergens their byproducts cause. To keep them in check, be sure to wash them regularly and keep their coats clean.

Allergies aren’t fun, but they’re not invincible. By drawing up a battle plan and figuring out what allergens affect you and your home the greatest, you can decide how to combat them in a way that is best suited to your situation. The professionals at Acree Plumbing, Air & Electric can walk you though a comprehensive indoor air quality solution to help you out, and you can rest easy knowing it’ll be done correctly the first time. Give us a call at (813) 530-9061 and schedule an appointment today!