summer plumbing, summer tips, summer plumbing tips, plumbing tips

Summer Plumbing Tips: Keep This List Handy

‘Tis the season for summertime fun – but also the season for increased plumbing use. If you’re ready to enjoy summer and the warmer weather, the last thing you want to deal with is plumbing issues. Keep your pipes and drains flowing smoothly all season long with these 5 tips.

  1. Check For Leaks

According to the Environmental Protection Agency, the average household’s leaks can account for nearly 10,000 gallons of water wasted per year. Even the smallest leaks should be addressed immediately, as they can worsen overtime and lead to some hefty water bills. One way to inspect for leaks is to inspect the most leak-prone areas of your home, such as toilets, faucets, and showerheads. Making sure they are dry is one way to tell if you have a leak or not. However, even if you don’t notice any signs of leaks doesn’t mean you’re in the clear. Sometimes, leaks are hard to find and that’s when a professional plumber comes in handy.

  1. Prevent Toilet Clogs

Knowing what you should and should not put down a toilet is the number one way to prevent toilet clogs. Items such as feminine products, diapers, and even flushable wipes do not belong down a toilet. If it’s not waste or toilet paper, you can rest assured it does not belong down there.

  1. Save Water Where You Can

Chances are you’re using more water in the summertime. After all, you’re probably filling the pool, watering your yard and garden, and drinking more of it to stay hydrated in the heat. That’s why it’s important to make sure you’re only using water where you need it. For example, turning off the faucet when you’re brushing your teeth or fully loading up your dishwasher before using it are small changes that could make a big difference in your water bill.

  1. Clear Out Your Drains

Over the past several months, it’s likely that leaves and other debris have accumulated in your drains. If you don’t clean them, they could clog and cause damage to your drains – leading to cracks, leaks, and expensive repairs. It could even be worth investing in professional drain cleaning to make sure your drains are like new just in time for the summer months.

  1. Schedule An Appointment With A Plumber

Sometimes, plumbing tasks are best left up to the professionals. Schedule an appointment with a plumber you can trust to handle all the plumbing maintenance tasks your house needs. An expert plumber will be able to successfully clean your drains without causing further damage, detect hidden leaks, and much more.

Need Plumbing Assistance? Call The Pros At Acree Plumbing, Air & Electric Today!

At Acree Plumbing, Air & Electric, we provide professional, high-quality plumbing services to Tampa, FL and beyond. Whether you need professional drain cleaning, leak detection services, maintenance, repair, or something else, we are here for all your plumbing needs. For a full list of our plumbing services, visit us online here. Give us a call at (813) 530-9061 or schedule your service here if you are ever in need of a plumber.