The fire’s roaring, the hot cocoa is delicious and the Christmas tree is sparkling in the corner as you and your family curl up and enjoy a cool holiday evening. It’s pretty much a picture-perfect scene, isn’t it? But then you realize you forgot to grab the old, dusty Christmas record from the guest room, so you hustle over there to retrieve it and really achieve the ideal December night.

You forgot that nobody ever goes in that room, though, and it’s incredibly hot! Why, you think to yourself, are you paying for the thermostat to heat a room that doesn’t get used? It’s a waste of money, but there’s a way to eliminate that through something called a zoned air system. What are they, and how can they help? Acree Plumbing, Air & Electric has the answers!

What Is a Zoned Air System — and How Is It Different?

If you’re like a lot of families across the country, then you probably just have a single central air conditioning system that funnels air at one uniform temperature across all of your home. The thermostat receives instructions to reach a specific level, and it tells the furnace to begin heating up to that number. While that will help you warm up, every room in your home has to deal with that temperature as well.

A zoned air system opens up all kinds of freedom. When you have one of these installed, your ductwork is split into two or more “zones,” where each zone is controlled by its own individual thermostat.

One zone could consist of areas you and your family use more than others, while another zone could just be limited to rooms that don’t get a whole lot of usage.

How Does It Help?

Depending on the layout of your home and how your family uses each area of it, a zoned air system can save you tons of money on your energy bills. For example, let’s say that you’ve got a room on one floor that faces the sun in the middle of the day, but there’s a room that is tucked away from sunlight and doesn’t receive as much direct sunlight. Obviously, the second room is going to need more help from the thermostat.

But with a traditional heating system, if that room was heated up, then the first room would have to deal with that temperature as well, even though it already received lots of heat from the sun. That’s unpleasant!

A zoned air system would allow the sunlight less room to enjoy whatever temperature it needed to stay comfortable without affecting the other room’s thermostat.

Acree Plumbing, Air & Electric: Your Zoned Air System Experts

That’s just one example, but the same concept applies to plenty of other situations. Do you have a two-story home? A zoned air system can help you out just the same. What about a home that has a bunch of rooms that aren’t occupied? The same thing applies.

Whatever your situation, Acree Plumbing, Air & Electric can help you maximize your home’s air efficiency this winter. We’ll take stock of your home’s precise setup and help determine what the best way forward should be.

Give us a call at (813) 530-9061 to talk with one of our team members today!